sâmbătă, 25 august 2007


am aruncat cheile
caci inimile nu au lacate
se deschid ele singure si te lasa sa intri
a mea se deschide prea usor
pentru ca a fost rupta si cusuta in graba
si de-aia o strang tare in palme
nu mai vreau sa intru direct in inimi
vreau sa cunosc intai minti
restul e...
...carpe diem

marți, 21 august 2007


am vrut sa fiu una cu gaia

asa ca m-am uscat la soare

pana am crapat ca pamantul desertului

si sangele mi s-a transformat in cenusa

mi s-au albit oasele

apoi a suflat vantul

praful si pielea putreda de pe mine

a inceput sa ploua

si a plouat apocaliptic

a cazut grindina si mi-a inmuiat carnea

ca sa intre ploaia pana in oase

sa umple golul unde a fost odata maduva

si mi s-au inverzit oasele de alge

ca picioarele unui ponton vechi

si am prins radacini

mi-au crescut aripi

m-am smuls de vechile picioare

si va privesc de sus

ma intorc imediat

mileniile sunt clipe in varsta pamantului

duminică, 19 august 2007

zbor de vierme

am gauri in talpi de la atata mers
am lasat bucati din mine pe strazi
si nu mai am nici un deget intreg
mi se pare ca ma tarai ca un vierme
pentru ca as vrea sa ajung mult mai departe
sa vad asa mult
si totusi zbor pentru ca nu mai simt de mult piatra sub picioare
picioare gaurite

am gasit

voiam sa scriu despre ea
si am aflat ca stiu prea multe ca sa zic ceva
voiam sa scriu am suferit
dar am aflat ca sunt foarte fericit
voiam sa scriu ca m-a lasat singur
si am aflat ca ma simt foarte bine asa
voiam sa scriu ca mi-e teama ca o sa raman asa
dar ma plac multe
si oricum
imi plac pisicile
voiam sa scriu despre tine
ca m-ai facut sa ma simt boem si bine si frumos
si asa este
daca o sa vrei sa mai treci pe la inima mea
sa te simti frumoasa iar
sa nu te feresti
o sa gasesti o valva deschisa si pentru tine
pentru o clipa pana pleci iar
nimic nu e vesnic
suntem oricum doar clipe

vineri, 17 august 2007

heliotropism pozitiv

am aflat ca esti
ca esti o cutie deschisa
o carte veche care miroase frumos
si imi vine acum
sa fug peste tari
sa ajung la tine
ca un cavaler in armura ruginita
patata de sangele meu si al altora
sa te rog sa-mi scoti sageata din spate
la care nu pot sa ajung
si sa-mi cosi la loc arcada
luptele nu imi mai surad de mult
vreau doar sa citesc
si sa simt

joi, 16 august 2007

Ego sum via veritas et vita

when i was young i used to walk barefoot
and live in a cave by the stream
i'd rest my head on a moss-covered root
i'd gaze at the stars and i'd dream

i was a mear baby back in the day
my prized possesions: my spear and my knife
and my bed of moss and of hay
and simple and poor was my life

i'd give chase through the forrest to deer
it might seem groosome i know
i'd stab their lungs with my spear
and their meat would get me through winter and snow

millenia passed and i grew a bit older
i had a bronze plow and worked the land
my bow and my iron knife made me allot bolder
i built a village with tools, not bare hand

i tore down trees to build homes and make fire
i turned wolfes into dogs and tought my children to write
i gave birth to gods to blame and admire
i made me some laws to keep me polite

my brothers as many as grass in the field
we went to tell other people to give us their land
our god gave us power to make them yeald
and he said who wouldn't should die by our hand

i am the father of emopires, divine in my rights
i've come to spread the truth of my faith
i have horses and cannons and armor-clad knights
my power's from heaven, my hunger can't wait!

i was born smart, time made me a sage
i now have machines to strenghten my arms
progress is clearly the word of this age
i burn coal to make steam, i buid railroads and bridges and dams

here i am now, a full-grown god who will never die
conqueror of desert and jungle and plague and ocean and snow
i harnessed combustion, like a phoenix i fly!
it's time for one race to be the star of the show...

this feels like that time i learned to make fire
to have the power of atoms at these fingers of mine
now, come back tommorrow, i need to retire
all this warmaking has put a pain in my spine

my mind cleared by circuits i reach for the stars
i freed some brothers today against their will
i took some treasure from them in exchange for my scars
all this smoke in the air seems to be making me ill

today i feel old, sick and tired
it can't be my fault, i've done nothing wrong
it seems that around me so much has expired
i... am waiting for jesus, or so i've been told...